Some people may view this as paranoid (it sort of is I guess), but I host this blog on both Cloudflare Workers Sites and Vercel. The idea was that if Cloudflare Workers ever suffered a service interruption (which it sometimes does), I could quickly point my DNS to Vercel and pretend nothing happened.

Well, it finally happened last night!

A Cloudflare Workers service disruption.

A Cloudflare Workers service disruption.

I initially noticed the problem when a few of my pages started returning 404 errors. Also, my home page kept throwing script execution errors. After confirming the issue was on Cloudflare’s side, I pointed my DNS to Vercel and was back online within a few minutes. After Cloudflare resolved their issues, I updated my DNS configuration again.

Usually, primary-backup configurations like this one is prohibitively expensive for personal blogs – this is especially true for WordPress and other dynamic backends. In my case, hosting my backup Vercel is completely free! I suppose this is another advantage of publishing to a static site.