Our Neighborhood Cat

I haven’t had much time to go out since receiving my Leica Q2 a week and a half ago. The weather’s been a bit depressing lately, but the thought of being infected by COVID-19 is the main factor keeping me indoors. Statistically, the chance of infection is low, but I’m trying to minimize the risk as much as possible since I’m flying to Boston next week – at least that’s the plan.

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First Impressions of the Leica Q2

Over the past few months, I’ve been contemplating purchasing a new camera. I’ve been a Fujifilm shooter for a long time - X100, X-Pro1, X100S, and X-Pro2. I like my X-Pro2, but my life is currently in somewhat of a transition phase. Since the birth of my baby last year, I’ve been trying hard to declutter all aspects of my life in an effort to maintain my mental sanity. Part of this process involves getting rid of photography gear I like, and finding a single fixed-lens camera that I love. Long story short, after Fujifilm’s underwhelming X100V announcement, I decided to pick up the Leica Q2 instead. Here are my first impressions.

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How to Create a Contact Form in Hugo with Netlify Forms

Hugo is an easy to use and super fast static site generator. Due to the static nature of sites built with Hugo and other static site generators, adding dynamic functionality like a contact form can be tricky. Luckily, if you choose Netlify for hosting, you can take advantage of Netlify Forms to add a dynamic contact form to your static site. In this post, you’ll learn how to create a contact form for a Hugo-based site with Netlify Forms.

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How to Equalize MIDI Velocity in Logic Pro X

When producing music in Logic Pro X, there are times where you’ll need to equalize MIDI velocity. For example, if you’re manually playing a drum beat, you may want all the snare drum hits to sound at the same velocity. In this post, you’ll learn how to equalize MIDI velocity to a fixed number in Logic Pro X.

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