In Part 1 of this series titled “WordPress vs. Jamstack in 2020”, we discussed an articled penned by Richard MacManus of The New Stack. In this post, which was an interview of sorts with Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg, MacManus highlighted Mullenweg’s criticisms against Jamstack. Tribalism is rampant in technology. Whether it’s iPhone vs. Android, HEY vs. Gmail, or Notion vs. Trello, calling out the opposition will typically result in backlash. In this case, Mullenweg’s criticisms against Jamstack spawned various rebuttals, one of which came from Matt Biilman, the CEO of Netlify. In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at Biilman’s response from a blog post titled “On Mullenweg and the Jamstack – Regression or Future?” – Don’t you just love Big Tech drama?
Let’s get started.
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